I have an ongoing project in regard to immigration, race relations, political engagement, and Asian Americans called “Asian Americans in the Anti-Black and Anti-Immigrants Politics.” It consists of two parts:
1) Asian Americans and Racial Justice in the anti-Black and anti-Immigrant Electoral Politics: This part of the project explores the solidarity among Asian American organizers and other racial minorities and immigrant communities in the US South. It analyzes how Asian Americans, of which many are newly arrived immigrants, leverage their power with other racial minorities and how their understanding of social justice shapes their approach to solidarity with other minoritized groups.
2) Asian American Conservative Movement: Even though statistics show that Asian Americans are more supportive of the progressive agenda, we also see the surge of the Asian American conservative movement in recent times, including their role in prompting the Supreme Court’s decision to overthrow affirmative action and the recall of San Francisco District Attorney. I use qualitative methods to understand the networks, mobilization, and political attitudes among Asian American conservative activists. This research advances our knowledge of how racial minorities are recruited to racially
conservative agenda and shape the future of US race relations.
my project on Asian American conservative and progressive movements will contribute to
the literature on racial minorities’ political behavior and engagement by
elaborating how immigration history, race, gender, and class intersect to
influence immigrants and racial minorities’ political mobilization in the US
political system that is dominated by the long anti-Black and anti-immigrant history.